The Canadian province of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM) have recently revamped their website that you can visit at The RNDM Sisters invite everyone to explore something of their life and mission in Canada.
Read moreOne could sense the new beginnings as we gathered on Zoom for the first meeting of 2022! We expressed our gratefulness to Sr Pauline Lally SP as she completed her term, and we happily welcomed Jeannette Filthaut SP, who has replaced Pauline. Aisha Francis had formally accepted the position of ED. A new KAIROS Executive was now in place. We would like to introduce all CRC membership to the KAIROS Steering Committee that meets online for a monthly meeting with the new KAIROS Executive Director.
Read moreAfter postponing our chapter at least three times, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we finally obtained permission from Rome to hold it in telematic mode (Zoom), from November 3, 2021, to January 10, 2022. […] We were 49 participants from 14 countries: Canada, Bolivia, Peru, Haiti, Cuba, Malawi, Zambia, Madagascar, Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China, Japan, Vietnam. For the first time in the history of the Institute, the five sisters forming the General Administration are of five different nationalities and countries.
Read moreThe Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, held 18-25 January, will draw together churches across the globe to reflect on the hope and joy in Matthew 2:2, “We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him.” The proposed resources include an ecumenical opening prayer service, biblical reflections and prayers for eight days, and other elements of worship.
Read moreThe Eighteenth World Day of Prayer and Reflection Against Human Trafficking will be held on February 8, 2022, with the theme: “The power of care: women, economy, human trafficking”. This year, the international committee of prayer has proposed, like last year, the online prayer marathon from 9:00 to 17:00 p.m. (Rome time), an opportunity to pray and to reflect on the proposed theme. You’re therefore invited to participate in the marathon by sending us a video, an interview, messages, dance, prayer, gestures, small shots of projects that reflect testimonies of care and empowerment of people who are victims of trafficking or groups at risk.
Read moreOn Monday, December 13, the Kingston founded religious congregation Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul celebrated 160 years of service across Canada and beyond. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, this celebration was not open to members of the public but the sisters gratefully appreciate your prayer support. Since their founding on December 13, 1861, the Sisters have committed to offering compassionate service in response to the needs of the times.
Read moreThe CRC supports KAIROS and its members in an open letter sent to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, calling on him to re-open the investigation for crimes against humanity committed under the auspices of the War on Drugs in the Philippines. Such an investigation is needed to ensure international justice for the victims of these abuses and their families. The letter also calls on Canada, as a state party to the Rome Statute, to publicly support the investigation and to provide any knowledge or resources necessary in order for it to be completed.
Read moreAdvent is such a hopeful season full of kairos moments. […] In spite of the on-going pandemic and its new variant accompanied by fresh anxieties, in spite of the disastrous floods experienced on our three coasts, in spite of the homeless folks couch-surfing or camping out on the streets, can we find hope? Can we find it in the young environmental activists who won’t back down? We hope so.
Read moreWe are pleased to inform you of two recent congregational elections among the members of the CRC. Sr. Theresa Mahoney, OSU, and Sr. Diane Smyth, RSM, were respectively elected Congregational Leader of the Ursuline Sisters of Chatham and the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland.
Read moreIn 2015, Pope Francis wrote in Laudato Si’ that fossil fuels need “to be progressively replaced without delay.” Now, in 2021, we have reached a decisive moment. We must reach an agreement in Glasgow that sets a clear and ambitious timeline for a just transition away from harmful fossil fuels. Setting out such a pathway is an essential step to accelerating investment in a clean energy future for all.
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