Charism and Prophetism This edition of ad vitam reflects an important journey rooted in the 2021 General Assembly and integrating the main theme of the 2021-2022 programming: charism and the prophetic character in an evolving consecrated life. You will find in it the essential and striking reflections of the members of the Theological Commission and the panelists […]
Read moreAll have been affected by the pandemic in some way or another. Communities of consecrated life were not spared. Isolation, outbreaks, deaths, adaptation of community and spiritual life, working remotely, perseverance in the mission and mobilization for social justice: these constitute a mosaic of experiences to reflect on. This issue of ad vitam brings to light some reflections and outlooks on the experiences within consecrated life in the face of the pandemic.
Read moreIn 2015, Pope Francis called out to the world to heed the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor. The encyclical letter Laudato Si’: On care for our common home proposed a unified vision of the crises facing our planet and its creatures, including us humans. Five years later, we are in the midst of a pandemic that makes our interdependence glaringly evident. We need urgent change. In this issue of ad vitam, our contributors renew their outlook on Laudato Si’ and current issues. We also welcome testimonies and reflections from religious communities and their collaborators.
Read moreThis time of Lent has brought with it unexpected renunciations due to the coronavirus public health measures. Social distancing, cancelled events and voluntary confinement are an opportunity to rebuild solidarity in our neighborhoods. We can also experiment new ways of praying, of fostering our relationship with God and of living communion in our Church. The second issue of the ad vitam webzine is quite timely. The members of the Theological Commission of the CRC offer theological, biblical and pastoral reflections on the theme of communion and mission.
Read moreThe Canadian Religious Conference is proud to launch its new publication, ad vitam, a webzine and a window into consecrated life in Canada. Featuring articles and audio-visual media, ad vitam proposes theological and pastoral reflections on the Catholic Church and consecrated life. In this first issue, ad vitam dares to address the theme of sexual abuse in the Church.
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