Advent is such a hopeful season full of kairos moments. The liturgical readings are full of promise.
So, this Advent, in spite of the on-going pandemic and its new variant accompanied by fresh anxieties, in spite of the disastrous floods experienced on our three coasts, in spite of the homeless folks couch-surfing or camping out on the streets, can we find hope?
Can we find it in the young environmental activists who won’t back down? Can we find it in the aboriginal delegation to the Vatican and the promised papal visit to Canada? Can we find it in the synodal process with Pope Francis’ keen desire to hear from those on the edges? We hope so.
Hope is not an easy virtue. It is only hope when the situation looks hopeless.
Advent still speaks of the promise of hope – Emmanuel: God-with-us in the midst of these polarities and opposing movements of life today. In the kairos moments.
In hope-filled communion in this holy season,
Sr. Pauline Lally, SP & Sr. Maura McGrath, CND