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July 2017

Event Category:
20 July 2017, 0 h 00 min - 15 August 2017, 0 h 00 min

The Pilgrimage The Canadian Canoe Pilgrimage 2017 is a project of the Jesuits in English Canada, that wishes to promote reconciliation between the First Nations, French and English peoples of Canada. The Journey A historic canoe voyage undertaken by Samuel de Champlain and St. Jean de Brébeuf in the care of their First Nations guides During the last five years, Canada has been engaged in uncovering the tragic history of residential schools through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission The goal of the…

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September 2017

Event Category:
13 September 2017, 8 h 30 min - 15 h 00 min
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Presentation Inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), the Canadian religious Conference (CRC) organised last Spring three days around the theme of ‘‘Meeting with First Nations’’. On each occasion, a First Nations representative presented their culture, traditions and spirituality. While discovering initiatives of dialogue and reconciliation within church institutions, Catholic or other, each participant shared and left with concrete actions they can participate in their communities. As a followup to these events, the CRC is pleased to propose a day in Halifax on next September…

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October 2017

Event Category:
3 October 2017, 16 h 00 min - 6 October 2017, 11 h 30 min
Niagara Falls, Ontario

The CWR has put together a dynamic agenda of speakers and presentations along with opportunities to experience the culture of the region. The theme of the conference, "One Voice, Charged by the Current", reflects one of the world’s greatest sources of hydroelectric power, the Niagara River, as well as the strength of our collective message in advancing the mission and image of Catholic Sisters. Registration Brochure Download the brochure Registration Form Full package Download the registration form NEW 1 day package…

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November 2017

Event Category:
22 November 2017, 13 h 00 min - 23 November 2017, 12 h 00 min
Kingston, Ontario

The CRC is delighted to organize a JPIC Ontario gathering for religious and associates with the Honourable Graydon Nicholas, Maliseet, former Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick and member of the Guadalupe Circle. As the Catholic Church through the Circle, reflects on actions - the JPIC Ontario members will discuss about how we can we Catholics engage Canada’s First Nations in our efforts to further reconciliation.

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December 2017

Event Category:
6 December 2017, 9 h 00 min - 10 h 30 min

Formation online for Communicators and Leadership teams using GoToWebinar platform. The subject is: "Thinking critically in the age of fake news."

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Event Category:
8 December 2017, 8 h 30 min - 15 h 00 min
Toronto, Ontario

The CRC is delighted to organize a day for women and men religious, associates and those interested or working in communication in the Catholic Church.

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Event Category:
9 December 2017, 9 h 00 min - 15 h 00 min
Montréal, Quebec

"Where does the prompting of the Spirit lead you, that we may go together?" What is Camino? It is a team of young religious women and men who came together to guide and facilitate an inter-community group on vocational discernment. Who can be interested by the activities of this group? The activities are for anyone who has questions on consecrated life, whether it is about consecrated laity, religious life, diaconate or priesthood. The Camino group exists to accompany women and…

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March 2018

Event Category:
8 March 2018, 8 h 30 min - 15 h 15 min
Ottawa, Ontario

The Canadian Religious Conference is pleased to organize a formation day on the topic “Evangelization in an in inter-cultural context”. We’re delighted to have with us Professor Catherine Clifford from the Saint Paul University.

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Event Category:
9 March 2018, 9 h 30 min - 10 March 2018, 17 h 00 min

Because of the key role that communication plays in our society, the religious world needs to prepare consciously and appropriately to live in digital space, learning how to “communicate the mission” in order to reach its target audience. This program is aimed primarily atthose working specifically in the field of communication.

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April 2018

Event Category:
14 April 2018, 8 h 30 min - 15 h 15 min
Montréal, Québec

The Canadian Religious Conference is pleased to organize a formation day on the topic “the art of living and dying.” We are delighted to have with us Sister Nuala Kenny from the Sisters of Charity of Halifax. In the afternoon, a discussion panel will be hosted by Rose DeAngelis and Lana McGeary, Director Special Projects and Spiritual Care Counsellor at the West Island Palliative Care Residence (Kirkland, Quebec).

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