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Guadalupe Circle: Taking action together

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Event information

Date & Time
22 November 2017, 13 h 00 min - 23 November 2017, 12 h 00 min

Providence Spirituality Center

1200 Princess Street
Kingston, Ontario
K7M 3C9


The CRC is delighted to organize a JPIC Ontario gathering for religious and associates with the Honourable Graydon NicholasMaliseet, former Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick and member of the Guadalupe Circle.

The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, CM
The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, CM

As the Catholic Church through the Circle, reflects on actions – the JPIC Ontario members will discuss about how we can we Catholics engage Canada’s First Nations in our efforts to further reconciliation.


Apraham Niziblian
514 259-0856 ext.108


Click the picture to download the registration form

Payment by cheque payable to the “Canadian Religious Conference” or “CRC.

Nathalie Gauthier


Click the picture to download the poster

About the Guadalupe Circle

Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle is a Catholic coalition of Indigenous people, bishops, clergy, lay movements and institutes of consecrated life, engaged in renewing and fostering relationships between the Catholic Church and Indigenous people in Canada. It has a fourfold purpose:

1. To provide a forum for its members to dialogue and encourage deeper understanding of the relationships between the Church and Indigenous people and Indigenous spirituality in Canada.

2. To serve as a united Catholic public voice on relations and dialogue between the Church and Indigenous people and Indigenous spirituality in Canada.

3. To assist Catholics in engagement with the Truth and Reconciliation process and its Calls to Action.

4. To carry out agreed upon initiatives and concrete actions.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle is motivated by the love of Christ, filled with great hope for the future and attentive to the Holy Spirit’s action in our world, to the glory of our compassionate Creator and Father.