Getting out the message: Communicators as ministers in the Church
The CRC is delighted to organize a day for women and men religious, associates and those interested or working in communication in the Catholic Church.
Guest speakers
Fr. Thomas Rosica, C.S.B.
Chief Executive Officer
Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation
Pamela Aleman
Communications and Public Relations Manager
Diocese of Hamilton
Association of Roman Catholic Communicators of Canada (ARCCC)
Neil MacCarthy
Director, Public Relations & Communications
Archdiocese of Toronto
8:30 AM Welcome, registration and coffee
9:00 AM Opening Prayer
9:20 AM Experience sharing of Rev. Thomas Rosica, C.S.B., Chief Executive Officer, Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation, at the international, national and local levels
10:00 AM Health break
10:20 AM Sharing of Pamela Aleman, Communications and Public Relations Manager, Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton, regarding internal communications with clergy, the use of the social media, and managing relationships with professional media organizations
10:50 AM Exchange among participants
11:20 AM Eucharistic Celebration presided by Timothy Scott, C.S.B.
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Tour of Salt and Light Media Centre
1:30 PM Neil MacCarthy, Director, Public Relations & Communications, Archdiocese of Toronto: “Communications, tips, thoughts around communicating in the midst of crisis” followed by Questions & Answers and discussion.
3:00 PM Close
Jean-Michel Bigou
514 259-0856 Ext. 105
Please use one registration form per participant and send them by e-mail to Nathalie Gauthier:
Means of payment:
- Cash
- Cheque (payable to “Canadian Religious Conference” or “CRC”)
If you register several persons, please join one cheque for all participants.