Beyond Truth and Reconciliation in Atlantic Canada

Inspired by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), the Canadian religious Conference (CRC) organised last Spring three days around the theme of ‘‘Meeting with First Nations’’. On each occasion, a First Nations representative presented their culture, traditions and spirituality.
While discovering initiatives of dialogue and reconciliation within church institutions, Catholic or other, each participant shared and left with concrete actions they can participate in their communities.
As a followup to these events, the CRC is pleased to propose a day in Halifax on next September 13, 2017.

The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, Maliseet, former Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick will speak on moving forward in Truth and Reconciliation. As well, Sisters Dorothy Moore, CSM, and Gloria Keylor, SP, will share stories of on how religious respond to the Calls to Action. It will be followed by a table discussion. In the afternoon, Fr. Timothy Scott, CSB, CRC Executive Director will provide an overview on the Calls to Action.
- Looking at Canada’s History from the point of view of indigenous people;
- Discovering initiatives for dialogue with First Nations;
- Sharing with The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, Maliseet, first Aboriginal person appointed Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick (2009-2014).
For whom?
- Leaders and future leaders of religious communities, members of the CRC;
- Any religious;
- Lay persons and associates;
- Those collaborating with religious communities;
- Any interested party.
8:30 AM Coffee and muffins welcome
9 AM Morning Prayer
9:20 AM Introduction of Graydon Nicholas
9:30 AM Graydon Nicholas’ talk: Moving forward in Truth and Reconciliation
10:15 AM Coffee break
10:40 AM Response by Sister Dorothy Moore, CSM and Sister Gloria Keylor, SP
11:00 AM Table discussion and open mike
11:30 AM Morning wrap-up
11:45 PM Lunch and rest
1:00 PM Introduction of Administrative Council and CRC Staff
1:30 PM Fr. Timothy Scott, CSB: Responding to Calls to Action: where are we?
2:15 PM Open mike response
3:00 PM Closing prayer and blessing