Communicating the mission in the digital space

Basic Communication Course for Consecrated Life
Communication is part of God’s plan for us and an essential way to experience fellowship. Made in the image and likeness of our Creator, we are able to express and share all that is true, good, and beautiful. We are able to describe our own experiences and the world around us, and thus to create historical memory and the understanding of events.
Pope Francis
The human person embodies communication in his/her body and in his/ her various forms of expression. Today, because of the many relationships that each person manages, one can define the person as a living social network. Because of the key role that communication plays in our society, the religious world needs to prepare consciously and appropriately to live in digital space, learning how to “communicate the mission” in order to reach its target audience. This program is aimed primarily atthose working specifically in the field of communication. The course we offer will help participants understand what communication means today and how to use it for mission. We will open up different perspectives in order to learn how to manage digital spaces effectively and make them places of deep communion, both for individual and institutional communication.
We invite all participants to read the Message of Pope Francis for the 52 World Communications Day. We will use the document during the course.
FRIDAY, March 9
8:30 a.m. Registration
9:30 – 12:30 Seminar
- The Church in the Digital Culture
H. E. Mons. Paul Tighe, Bishop Pontifical Council of Culture - The Mission in the age of Facebook and Pinterest
Sr. Bernadette Reis, Vatican Communication Secretariat - Launch of ‘Communicator for Women Religious Handbook’
Lunch (bring your own lunch)
2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Strategic Communication Plan
Communication Office Religious Life and Press
SATURDAY, March 10
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
- Website and Social Media
- Text, images, photos, video
Lunch (bring your own lunch)
2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Newsletter
- Online meeting, webinar, e-learning
Opening new windows:
- crisis communication
- storytelling
- dark side of the digital space
- fake news
General information
- 1. To understand the Digital culture: risks and resources
- 2. To clarify the role of the Communicator within a Congregation
- 3. To provide a basic knowledge on effective communication strategies, online spaces and platforms
The course is designed for religious and lay people who work directly or indirectly in communication for consecrated life. Members of general or provincial councils, leadership teams and those responsible for formation are also invited to participate. Maximum: 30 participants for each course.
The course will be facilitated by the staff of the Communication Offices of USMI and UISG, by members of Multimedia International; experts will be invited to present on specific topics.
An experiential approach will be used, moving from the practical and concrete to the more theoretical and conceptual; there will be “hands-on” use of technical tools. We will work in plenary and in small language groups. We invite participants to bring a laptop or a tablet.
The course will be in English, French and Italian. Translations will be provided in the three languages.
Click here to download the programme.