Montreal, October 7, 2020 – The postponement of the General Assembly scheduled for last May resulted in a one-year extension of the Administrative Council’s mandate. The members of the Canadian Religious Conference (CRC) will have to elect a new Administrative Council in May 2021.
On September 8, 2020, the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins of the Sacré-Cœur-de-Jésus province held chapter elections in Montreal. The CRC President, Br. Louis Cinq-Mars, OFM Cap, was completing his second term as Superior of this province. During this chapter, Br. Benny Vincent was elected Provincial Minister.
At the last meeting of the CRC Administrative Council, held on October 5, Br. Louis Cinq-Mars presented his resignation as CRC President. He will benefit from a sabbatical year abroad and will therefore no longer be in a position to chair the CRC’s Administrative Council.
According to our organization’s statutes and by-laws, the Vice-President, Sister Francine Landreville, CND, will assume the presidency until the 2021 General Assembly.
Sr. Francine Landreville, CND
The CRC staff joins the members of the Administrative Council and all the CRC members in offering Brother Louis our deepest gratitude. He has shown great generosity and dedication to the CRC over the past four years. His brothers and sisters on the Administrative Council wish to express their sincere thanks to him and to highlight the many qualities that characterize him.
About CRC
The Canadian Religious Conference is a network that brings together the leaders of 250 Catholic congregations of women and men religious in Canada. The CRC’s mission is to encourage its members to live fully their vocation in following Christ and to support them in their prophetic witness to justice and peace in a Canadian context.