2021 Virtual National Conference of the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada

Rise Up and Reach Out:
The Pandemic Calls Forth
the Compassionate Healing Ministry of Jesus
While the term “unprecedented” might be overused, no one will argue that the arrival of COVID-19 and the global pandemic have disrupted everyone’s lives worldwide. It has dominated the media, changed our lives, refocused government policy, devastated certain businesses and become an advantage to others, redefined how we educate our children, and has catapulted the experiment of “working at home” into becoming the norm.
Vulnerable populations in the world are the people that have been most affected, and hospitals and long term care have become the flashpoints of the crisis. Not only a crisis, however, but also a great reminder! Not only a reminder, but also an opportunity! Catholic health care is based on a values response to the Gospel mandate to care for people and heal the sick in a compassionate way. The pandemic has called us to think about how we value “essential workers.” It has prompted us to re-examine the social determinants of health.
This conference will seek to examine the response to the pandemic within our organizations, the way we have delivered care and cared for those who deliver it. How have we fared? Are there things to celebrate and lessons to learn?
May 6, 2021 ~ 10:30 – 16:30 EST
- Greeting: Cardinal Peter Turkson, Holy See
- The Pandemic and Catholic Social Teaching
Sister Carol Zinn, Executive Director of Leadership Conference of Women Religious;
Bishop George Thomas, American prelate of the Catholic Church and Bishop of Las Vegas - The Pandemic and Learning from History
Dr. Julio S. G. Montaner, o.c., M.D., OBC D. Sc., Director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, the chair in AIDS Research and head of the Division of AIDS in the Faculty of Medicine at U of BC - Catholic Health Alliance of Canada Award Presentations
- The Pandemic and Those We Serve
Tessa Blaikie-Whitecloud, Executive Director of 1JustCity;
Dr. Naheed Dosani, Founder and lead physician – Palliative Education And Care for the Homeless (PEACH), Inner City Health Associates; Palliative Care Physician, William Osler Health System
Dr. Lindsay Farrell, Director of Indigenous Wellness, Reconciliation & Partnerships at Providence Health Care
Réfugiés et nouveaux arrivants au Canada :
Alessandra Santopadre, , Assistant to the Office of Cultural communities and rituals – Diocese of Montreal;
Rudy Ovcjak, Director of the Archdiocese of Toronto’s Office for Refugees
May 7, 2021 ~ 10:30 – 16:30 EST
- Special Recognitions
- The Pandemic and Long-term Care Response – Loss, Loneliness, and Grief
Dr. David Sabapathy, Deputy Chief Public Health Officer for the province of Prince Edward Island;
Major General Guy Chapdelaine, Major General Guy Chapdelaine, Chaplain General Royal Canadian Chaplain Service, Canadian Armed Forces - Panel discussion of sponsored works
Tara Brousseau-Snider, Executive Director of Sara Riel Inc.;
Kristin Reynolds, Ph. D., Clinical Psychology & Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba;
Dr. Francis Maza, Executive Lead, Mission, Ethics and Spirituality at Emmanuel Health - The Pandemic and Caring For Our People
Sajel Bellon, Ed. D, CTSS, Occupational Stress and Trauma Specialist and Mental Health Professional Facilitated session with group discussions - The Pandemic and the Future
Fiona Dalton, President and Chief Executive Officer of Providence Health Care, BC;
Fr. Michael Rozier, s.j., Ph. D., Assistant Professor, Health Management and Policy College for Public Health and Social Justice
At the 2021 virtual national Catholic health care conference May 6-7, 2021 the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada will recognize leadership in three categories:
- Lifetime Achievement
- Tomorrow’s National Leaders
- Programs of Distinction (new)
Lifetime Achievement
The Lifetime Achievement Award annually recognizes one such leader. This award will be conferred on a leader who has inspired and mentored numerous others in Catholic health care and whose accomplishments, over the course of a career, have strengthened the ministry. Her or his leadership extends past the Catholic health ministry to influence and impact the local community and beyond.
Tomorrow’s National Leaders
National Leaders is intended to inspire talented leaders to continue their service in Catholic health care, thereby contributing to a promising future for the ministry and the people it serves. Recognition will be given to those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their organization and have talents and gifts that can contribute to the ministry at the national level.
Programs of Distinction (new)
Recognition of Program(s) of Distinction will be given to an organization that is the creator and lead sponsor or partner in an original, bold, innovative program that delivers measurable results for the community served. The program(s) will be selected because they are inspirational for the sponsoring organization, the people it serves, the community and beyond, and it will be available for replication within Catholic health care membership nationally.
2021 AWARDS:
Fees: $150 per person for one day, $295 per person for the two days or $1,000 for up to five registrants from the same organization.
Virtual via Zoom Thursday, May 6, 2021 & Friday, May 7, 2021 10:30 – 16:30 (Eastern Standard Time).
For updates about the conference go to www.accs.ca or contact Cheryl Spencer, Administrative and Events Coordinator, e-mail: CSpencer@chpca.net