As part of the World Forum on Theology and Liberation, held for the first time in a Northern Country, the CRC has been actively involved in the event’s program by organizing, with the collaboration of various partners, several workshops around the Theology of Liberation. Reflecting the active involvement of the CRC members regarding social justice issues in Canada and in the world, these workshops were facilitated by organisations and people, lay or religious, with different practices and different analyses exploring the themes of liberation, justice, ecology, peace and solidarity.
During the workshop “Theology of Liberation: a Gift to the World”, the guests shared their experiences regarding Theology of Liberation issues such as:
- Decolonization of religion based on the Doctrine of Discovery;
- Reconciliation with Indigenous People;
- The inclusion of marginalized people in the Church;
- The welcome of refugees.
More precisely, the guests talked about basic Christian communities (Dr. Catalina Romero), Social Organizations and Movements (Sr. Maria Van der Linde, MSC), Missionnaries in the World (Fr. Ken Foster, OMI) and Spirituality & Ecumenism (Jennifer Henry).
Watch below a video of the workshop:
Here are some photos of the workshop. To see more, click here.
The two other workshops, “Theology and Liberation: Sharing experiences of empowering the poor in Canada and beyond the borders”** and “Climate Change: Hope in Action through the Arts”*** have been ont été respectively organized in partnership with le Comité auto-géré agriculture et alimentation, and also with Congrégation de Notre-Dame, Development and Peace, Social Justice Connection, and the Department of Theology, Concordia University.
* Guests of the workshop “Theology of Liberation: a Gift to the World”:
- Dr. Catalina Romero, Professor of Social Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru;
- Sister Maria Van der Linde, MSC (Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus), Director ofISDEN (Institute of Health founded in memory of Sr. Cristofris Deneke, MSC);
- Father Ken Foster, OMI (Oblats de Marie-Immaculée) Lacombe Provincial;
- Jennifer Henry, Executive Director of Kairos: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives.
** Guests of the workshop “Theology and Liberation: Sharing experiences of empowering the poor in Canada and beyond the borders”:
- Father Luke Tardif, OMI (Oblats de Marie-Immaculée), Provincial;
- Chantal Beauvais;
- Louise Royer;
- Father Séamus Finn, OMI (Oblats de Marie-Immaculée), Chief of Faith Consistent Investing for the OIP Investment Trust of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
*** Guests of the workshop “Climate Change: Hope in Action through the Arts”:
- Alma Brooks, Maliseet grandmother from the St. Mary’s First Nation in New-Brunswick;
- Mamadou Goita, Executive Director of the Institute for research and the Promotion of Alternatives in Development (IRPAD / Afrique) in Bamako, Mali;
- Stephanie Boyd, Canadian filmmaker and journalist who has been living and working in Peru for over 15 years;
- Ballet Ouest de Montréal, a non-profit ballet company under the artistic direction of Claude Caron