Toronto, ON/October 7, 2020 — On October 7, 1851, four Sisters of St. Joseph came to Toronto from Philadelphia to care for children, left as orphans as a result of an epidemic of typhus. The leader of the Sisters, Mother Delphine, forged a path in caring for the sick, the orphans, the homeless, the destitute and the uneducated and now, 170 years later, in the midst of a pandemic, the Sisters, associates, staff and volunteers continue to forge new paths and celebrate their anniversary.
Reverend Mother Delphine (© CSJ Archives)
Across Canada, and especially in Toronto, the Sisters have founded many institutions and organizations. They helped establish schools and hospitals in Toronto (St. Michael’s, St. Joseph’s Health Centre and Providence Healthcare, now known as Unity Health) as well as hospitals in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Comox B.C. More recent ministry initiatives include Furniture Bank, Daily Bread Food Bank, Fontbonne Ministries, Project Hope and Becoming Neighbours for refugees, and participation in the Blue Communities initiative.
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto have made an enduring mark on our society and have been strong advocates for social justice.
Over the next year, the Sisters’ social media channels and web site will highlight the stories of their achievements and the legacy of these 170 years. Some special virtual events may be open to the media and public as well.
Lisa Tabachnick, Communications Director
Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto
416 467-2630 or