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28 June 2018

Sisters of Saint Ann Job Posting: Executive Director


Victoria, British Columbia

Accountable to

Board of Directors of the Sisters of Saint Ann

The Organization

A not-for- profit corporation, The Sisters of Saint Ann is also a canonical entity, called St. Joseph’s Province, of the religious congregation known as The Sisters of Saint Anne which is based in Lachine, QC. The administration of the corporation of The Sisters of Saint Ann is located in Victoria, BC. At this time, the 27 Sisters of St. Joseph’s Province live in Victoria, and further their mission of being a presence of hope, compassion and justice.

Position Summary

A newly established position, the Executive Director (ED) is responsible for all aspects of the administration of the corporation of the Sisters of Saint Ann, including oversight of the Health Care Team which addresses the well-being of the Sisters. The ED will continue to develop and implement a vision and strategy for the operations of the corporation, for the transition to its downsizing and for the implementation of its distribution plan. The ED will work closely with the Board and the local and congregational canonical leaders to support the well-being of the Sisters and further their mission.

Full-time Position transitioning to Part-time.

Competitive Salary; Benefits Package

The successful candidate will have a University degree in a relevant field and/or related experience.

Application Process

For a position description and qualifications please contact administration@ssabc.ca. To apply, send a cover letter and resumé by email to Tony Heemskerk: searchcommittee@ssabc.ca no later than August 15, 2018.

For further information regarding the corporation please contact Will Boothman, Director of Finance, at 250-592-7133.

References will be required from short-listed candidates. Tentative start date is fall, 2018.