Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception (SCIC) received a certificate of honour from Development and Peace – Caritas Canada Nov. 29 in Carmel Chapel in Saint John, New Brunswick. Sister Mary Beth McCurdy, congregational leader (photo, centre) received the certificate on behalf of the Sisters for “exceptional commitment to the cause of social justice” and efforts to improve living conditions for those living in extreme poverty in the Global South.
The certificate was presented by Donna LeBlanc of Fredericton, N.B. (left), Saint John diocesan chair of Development and Peace and Mary Hanson (right) of Northampton, who is the anglophone representative for New Brunswick on the national council of Development and Peace. They also presented Development and Peace certificates of honour to Sisters Angie Martz and Roma De Robertis. Earlier this year, they offered one for the late SCIC Associate David Lewis. Sister Mary Beth and SCIC Associate Donna Schroeter invited Sisters, Associates and staff to join in blessing the visitors and their ministry. The recent recognitions came at the conclusion of the organization’s 50th anniversary year. (Photo: Sister Mary Ann Maxwell, SCIC)