Five months have passed since we sent a word to you through the Canadian Religious Conference newsletter. « An Extended and Loving Look At Our World », the title of the CRC June newsletter, finds an echo in our hearts. Its description of the positive steps at CRC exudes energy.
So much has happened, locally, nationally and globally. Pope Francis’ humble apology to First Nations Peoples, Inuit, Métis in July calls us to a deeper allyship with original peoples. The evil of the war in many parts of our planet and especially in Ukraine, the increase in populist governments, the exploitation and suffering of creation visited upon the poorer countries and also Canadian shores and so much more is now part of our daily lives.
As we, vowed members of religious communities, face our own future, we recognize our vulnerability as together we offer an extended and loving look at our world. More than ever, we strive to be women and men of HOPE.
A key reason for our HOPE is KAIROS which unites Canadian churches and religious organizations in a faithful ecumenical response to the call to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).
Immersed in responding to concrete local, national and international challenges, an increasingly diverse, dedicated staff, choose to lend their talent, skill and expertise to the mission of KAIROS. We are deeply grateful. We are honoured to represent you on the KAIROS steering committee. Please continue to hold the Staff and Steering Committee in your prayers.
May the energy, passion, creativity and life of the Risen Jesus Christ, be with each of you, all human and other beings as we walk into the future together with renewed HOPE.
Sr. Jeannette Filthaut, SP & Sr. Maura McGrath, CND
CRC representatives on the KAIROS steering committee