Since July 1st the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) of Quebec have had a new leadership team. Sr. Denise Riel accepted the position of provincial animator for a second term.
She is supported in her tasks by Sr. Claudette Bastien (2nd term) and Sr Lisette Boulé as provincial councillors. These three Sisters share responsibility for the administration and animation of the province of Quebec and will continue this ministry for the next four years (2020-2024). Three lay people collaborate with them, working on the material and financial resources dossier.
The Quebec Provincial Leadership Team (PLT) also relies on the support of the Quebec Co-responsibility Group (GCQ). This committee, established in 2015, and comprised of six Sisters, has an advisory and deliberative role.
The members of the GCQ support the Provincial Leadership Team, through their skills and experience in various aspects of the life of the Province, ranging from governance, spiritual animation, heritage, justice, administration and communications. Broadening the scope of shared responsibility and lightening the workload of the members of the PLT were among the objectives at the time of the creation of this committee. The experience of the last few years has demonstrated the effectiveness of the committee.
In addition, in a spirit of co-responsibility and interdependence, fifteen committees collaborate, in various ways, in the animation and administration of the Province.
In closing, on another note, the international Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) has begun its preparatory year for the General Chapter scheduled for July 2021. Through technology, a whole process has been put into place to solicit the participation of both Sisters and Affiliates. Also, more than a hundred people, partners and collaborators, have been invited to share in this process of preparation for the General Chapter, whose theme is: “The Call of Our Lives.”
Photo caption: The Quebec SNJM Leadership Team is composed of three members: Sr. Claudette Bastien, Provincial Councillor, Sr. Denise Riel, Provincial Animator, and Sr. Lisette Boulé, Provincial Councillor.
Source: Odette Côté, Communications SNJM Quebec, 514-995-7941