This film, the 3rd in a series on Laudato Si’, explores the Greening of Faith Communities in Canada in response to the global climate crisis that has been so effectively presented by Pope Francis in the 2015 Papal Encyclical “Laudato Si’ – On Care for our Common Home”.
Initially, concern for global warming in the late 1980’s recognized the impact of greenhouse gases caused by the burning of fossil fuels. In response to this crisis, some faith communities in Canada have begun to assume environmental leadership. Some began as early as 2006, by divesting fossil fuel stocks and building and adapting worship spaces and accommodations to reduce their carbon footprints. This film visits 8 of these multi-faith eco-innovators and views them through the lens of Laudato Si’ in the hope that you, the viewer, inspired by one of these stories, will find ways to mitigate the global climate crisis where you live, where you work or where you worship.
Producer: Kevin Moynihan,
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
KM Productions series on Laudato Si’: