Reconciliation is an interior process, and a journey, that must find expression in both internal and external relationships.
Sister Priscilla Solomon, csj
Journeying towards Reconciliation
In a spirit of reconciliation with Aboriginal Peoples, the Canadian Religious Conference (CRC) in 2017 organized one-day meetings on the theme of Meeting with Indigenous Peoples. The purpose was to learn through listening and dialogue with the hope of re-establishing connections.
At every meeting, a member of First Nations people presented Indigenous culture, traditions and spirituality. In Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa, the day began with the KAIROS Blanket Exercise followed by a discussion on the lived-experience, testimonies and a reflection on possible actions to be undertaken.
This issue of the CRC Bulletin is in continuity with these CRC meetings. Its rich contents offer a reflection on reconciliation, testimonies and initiatives of encounter, of dialogue and of listening to First Nations.
Sister Priscilla Solomon, csj, recalls that, first and foremost, “reconciliation is an interior process, and a journey, that must find expression in both internal and external relationships.”
“The work of facing the truth and seeking reconciliation and healing is not easy. Reconciliation requires a full and ongoing commitment. It is clearly going to be a marathon not a sprint,” states Father Gary Kuntz.
Reconciliation opens the way to peace. “We are all required to reconcile with ourselves, with others and with life, on a daily, ongoing basis,” concludes Gigi Jakobs.
An issue to read, to share with other people, and to follow up on by going further.
Do not hesitate to send us your comments and reflections at as you go about reading the articles.
To access the entire Bulletin, please click on the picture below or on the following link: CRC Bulletin, Volume 14, Issue 3 – Fall 2017
To access each article separately, click on the underlined title of your choice. All articles are in PDF format. Reproduction is allowed provided the author’s name and the source are properly attributed.
Ô Canada! Our Home and Native Land!
Nicole Nanatasis O’Bomsawin
Reconciliation: Our Path to a New Future
Sister Priscilla Solomon, csj
A Landscape to Discover: My First Nations Brother
fr. Gilles Laberge, pfc
Reconciliation Begins with You and Me – “Returning to Spirit” Workshop
Gigi Jakobs
ANARC – Toward Healing and Reconciliation
Gary Kuntz
First Nations and Immigrant Peoples in Quebec ENCOUNTER ONE ANOTHER FOR REAL
Bernard Ménard, omi
Canoe Pilgrimage: A Unique Journey towards Reconciliation
Erik Sorensen, sj
Marie de l’Incarnation and the Aboriginal Peoples
Marguerite Chénard, osu
“Sacred Water” – What Indigenous Spirituality Teaches Us?
Rezebeth Noceja