In this issue, the members of the Theological Commission delved into two priorities highlighted by participants at the 2016 General Assembly: Moving together towards a new world-view and rethink relations between women and men.
To access the entire Bulletin, please click on the following link: CRC Bulletin – Volume 14, Issue 1 – Winter 2017
To access each article separately, click on the underlined title of your choice. All articles are in PDF format. Reproduction is allowed provided the author’s name and the source are properly attributed.
“….Be Transformed by the Renewing of your Mind….”
Lorraine d’Entremont, SC
Relationships of Men and Women: Differentiation and Diversity
Margaret Patricia Brady, OSB
Transcending Polarizations
Gill Goulding, CJ
Reaching the Whole Through the Other
Louis Riverin, FMJ (Famille Marie-Jeunesse)
Toward a New Relationship Between Men and Women
Re-interpreting the Account of Martha and Mary, Lk 10:38-42
Michel Proulx, O.PRAEM
From Domination to Reciprocity
Br. Antoine-Emmanuel, fmj
A Closer Look at One Experience: Consecrated Men and Women in the Same House
Solène Garneau, fmj and Louis Riverin, fmj (Famille Marie-Jeunesse)