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13 April 2018

CRC Bulletin, Vol. 15, Issue 2 – Spring/Summer 2018


A Mission to discover
until the end of life


In this issue of the CRC Bulletin, three articles speak of mission from the standpoint of the call of Pope Francis to “advance along the path of a pastoral and missionary conversion.” What then is the contribution of consecrated life to this missionary shift? Bertrand Roy, pmé, presents three aspects to be explored. Sister Marie-Marcelle Desmarrais, cnd, suggests that there is a close relationship between humanization and evangelization. Based on her experience, she explains that “humanization is necessary for the person to love each and every other person truly and fully and to give the Gospel of Jesus its full place in their heart.” Timothy Scott, csb, speaks of mission in relation to the end of life. Drawing from biblical figures such as Simeon and Anna, he highlights the mission of our elderly brothers and sisters. They have something valuable to teach us at the end of life.

Jean-Marc Barreau, a spiritual guide in palliative care, shares his experience on accompanying the terminally ill. For him, “the challenge of accompaniment is allowing the patient to accept fragility, so that through accompaniment, it is transformed into vulnerability.” The encounter between the accompanied person and the guide then becomes a common quest for meaning and life. Sr. Nuala Kenny, sc, addresses the issue of legalized medically assisted death. She suggests that this issue cries out for a prophetic response. “Religious are called by the very nature of their mission and prophetic lifeform to respond to the challenge of a good death.”

The questions that accompany each article are meant to assist your ongoing reflection. An issue to read, to develop and to share with other people.

Do not hesitate to send us your comments and reflections at communications@crc-canada.org as you go about reading the articles.

To access the entire Bulletin, please click on the picture below or on the following link: CRC Bulletin, Vol. 15, No 2 – Spring – Summer 2018

To access each article separately, click on the underlined title of your choice. All articles are in PDF format. Reproduction is allowed provided the author’s name and the source are properly attributed.

Living a Mission at the End of Life
Timothy Scott, CSB

From Fragility to Circular Vulnerability
Jean-Marc Barreau, Ph. D.

Prophetic Response to Medically Assisted Death
Nuala Kenny, SC

A Mission to Discover
Bertrand Roy, PMÉ

Humanization and Evangelization
Marie-Marcelle Desmarais, CND