The Volume 11, no 1 issue of the CRC Bulletin was written by the members of the Theological Commission. The theme of the next CRC General Assembly inspired the authors of the articles: Beyond Frontiers: A Call to Transformation. The General Assembly will be held from May 29 to June 1, 2014.
In order to facilitate the reading of the articles and to give you the possibility of choosing one article in particular without having to download the entire CRC Bulletin, each article is also published separately. To access them, click on the title of the article you wish to read or download.
To download the entire Bulletin, click on this link: CRC Bulletin, Vol. 11, Issue 1 – Winter 2014
Bulletin Summary with access to each article:
Discovering New Frontiers
by Antoine-Emmanuel, FMJ
New Evangelization and its Surprises…
by Lorraine Caza, CND
Spanish translation of this article: La Nueva Evangelización y sus Sorpresas…
In the World without Being of the World – The Stances of Consecrated Life
by Rick van Lier, OP
Pope francis and the Periphery
by Timothy Scott, CSB
Building a Partnership of Cooperation in the Mission
by Gaétane Guillemette, NDPS
A Place for Us… in Canada, in 2014?
by Lorraine d’Entremont, SC
Journey within another Culture
by Margaret Patricia Brady, OSB
The Ultimate Frontier follwed by Two Testimonies
by Carmelle Bisson, AMJ
At the Frontiers of Human Ecology and The Beatitudes of Human Ecology
by Antoine-Emmanuel, FMJ