Providence Companions, Providence Associates, collaborators, relatives and friends of Sisters of Providence representing Quebec, Chile, Western United States and Western Canada, and as well as Haiti, Cameroon, Egypt, El Salvador, Argentina and the Philippines, all gathered as a Providence family for five days of celebrations. They were welcomed in a festive atmosphere, and they fully lived a glorious and unforgettable experience.
Activities related to the Congregation’s history and heritage had been organized, such as walking in The footsteps of Emilie Gamelin, Blessed, in Old Montreal, where the foundation of the Congregation took place and near the Place Émilie-Gamelin and the surrounding streets. An exhibition and a tour of the Congregation’s Museum and of its Archives, depicting the 175-year history in a wide range of ministries and institutions founded by the Sisters of Providence in the world, were available to the visitors. The visitors found both the exhibition and the tour to be very interesting experiences.
A day of reflection and renewal on Providence spirituality, with the goal of deepening the mission and charism of the Congregation, nourished the hearts and souls of the participants. They considered the Congregation’s history and its actual and changing reality, which offered them a sense of hope for the future. Yes, Providence, the name we give to God, was present yesterday, is with us today, will be with us tomorrow and for ever and ever. Religious Sisters and Providence Associates from the north, south, east and west participated in this gathering and the day culminated with the presentation of the new Constitutions and Rules of the Congregation, in their recently revised and approved-by-Rome version. The room was filled with joy!
These glorious celebrations reached their apotheosis on March 29, 2019 (the anniversary of the first profession in the Congregation) during a Mass presided by Bishop Christian Lépine, Archbishop of Montreal. The choir, “Ensemble vocal Epiphanie” from Sainte-Famille de Bordeaux-Cartierville Parish, provided heavenly hymns and songs. The liturgical processions, rich in meaning, together with the thanksgiving liturgical dance, contributed to the beauty and splendor of this celebration and facilitated the internalization of the presence of our Provident God, rich in tenderness and love.
Surrounded by the festive décor, the celebrations continued in joy and in the sharing of friendship while a delicious meal was served to the guests and to all the residents of the house and to all the personnel.
Thanks to today’s technology, these events were available to all those who could not be present, wherever there is Providence life and even beyond. Everyone was able to participate and experience the celebration in their own home, in the three official languages of the Congregation: French, English and Spanish.
How great are Your works, Oh Provident God
Sister Annette Noël, SP, General Councillor-Secretary
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