UISG Webinar: Accompanying Young Generations in the Vocational discernment – Towards the Synod on Young in 2018

It is fair to say that there is a multiplicity of worlds, when speaking of young people, not a single one.
Pope Francis

Online formation for UISG Members using gotomeeting platform: you just need a computer, an internet connection, a microphone and webcam (optional). This formation is a Web-based seminar. A webinar is an educational and informative presentation that is made available online in real-time. This formation is offered in English only.
- Test the online platform as a formation space
- Offer formation opportunity to UISG Members with a special attention to sisters outside “Rome”
Superiors and Councillors General, Formators, Pastoral Vocation Responsible
Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xmcj
Director of the National Service for Youth Evangelization and for Vocations
Bishops’ Conference of France
Fr. Paul Bednarczyk, csc
Fomer Director
National Conference for Religious Vocation of the United States
Program and Registration
To register online, click here.
Before the date of the webinar, you will receive a link to connect with the digital formation room.
Piazza di Ponte Sant’Angelo, 28
00186 Rome
Tel.: +39 066840034
E-mail: comunicazione@uisg.org
Website: www.internationalunionsuperiorsgeneral.org