Star of the North Retreat Centre: Aurora Living Module 2 – “Wilderness: From Slavery to Freedom”
We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.
Aurora Living aims to build an intergenerational, cultural and faith community, inspired by contemporary witnesses who are making a difference in the world. The program will empower contemplative living and stimulate action for contemporary needs and times. We will learn how Christian, Indigenous and other wisdom traditions can guide our response to today’s environmental and social problems. Following the arc of Scripture (from Genesis to Revelation), we will ground the program in the prophetic principles of Pope Francis’ letter to the world, “Laudato Si’” and maintain our commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action.
Aurora is a term meaning “dawn” but has also come to be associated with solar particles that appear to dance in the night sky in an awe-inspiring display of what is commonly called the Northern Lights.
Wilderness: From Slavery to Freedom
Life is an exodus, sometimes an exterior journey a long way from home (eg. the immigrant experience) and always an extraordinary interior journey. Exodus is the transformation of our consciousness through a time of personal or collective “wilderness”; an experience of distinct steps of awakening to the reality of Spirit. In this module, we will hear the valued perspective of indigenous knowledge of natural law as this applies to intergenerational effects of residential school and of how the land heals us.
Featured Presenters
- Rabbi Gila Caine
- Lucie Leduc
- Morningstar Mercredi
- Daphie Pooyak
- Fr. Ron Rolheiser OMI
- Sr. Sue Wilson, CSJ
- Rabbi David Zaslow
We have gathered a diverse collective of presenters and contemporary witnesses who embody the call to “love and serve our global family and to care for our common home.” Alongside the Aurora Living team, these facilitators will meet us at the intersection of faith and real-life issues, guiding us through teaching, reflection, and ritual.
- Reimagining Exodus: A Story of Freedom, Rabbi David Zaslow
- The Serpent & the Wood: Facing our Demons with Grace, Lucie Leduc
- Creation & Incarnation, Ron Rolheiser OMI
- The Year of Jubilee: Leviticus Revisited, Rabbi Gila Caine
- Our Response to Human Trafficking, Sue Wilson CSJ
- Intergenerational Effects of Residential Schools, Morningstar Mercredi
- How the Land Heals Us, Daphie Pooyak
About Aurora Living
Star of the North Retreat Centre has launched an online/on-site signature, three-year program–Aurora Living: Word and Creation. Our emphasis is to deepen our relationship with Sacred Word and renew our relationship with Christ’s Spirit for the good of creation.
The intersection of Word, Creation, Communion, Contemplation, & Justice will transform us for a radical way of life to become agents of a new dawn. This is Aurora Living!
Dates & Format
January 7-9, 2022 – Opening Retreat
January 29, 2022 – Saturday Gathering
February 26, 2022 – Saturday Gathering
March 19, 2022 – Final Gathering
Each three month module includes:
- an opening retreat
- a monthly online/onsite gathering
- a smaller monthly two-hour formation group gathering with celebrations and practical activities
- weekly required readings and videos
- optional spiritual direction
Tuition Options
All pricing in CAN funds.
- Online Option — Regular $800
- Commuter Option — Regular $970
- Live-In Option — Regular $1150
Star of the North Retreat Centre
3A St. Vital Avenue
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada T8N 1K1