Course for the Formation of Talitha Kum Leaders

Talitha Kum, the international network of Consecrated Life against human trafficking, will propose a course for the Formation of Talitha Kum Leaders. The selection of candidates will take place from December 1st, 2019 to March 10, 2020.
Talitha Kum will provide continuity to the courses for the qualification of Talitha Kum members in the service of leadership. As a result, the second training course for leaders will take place from April 2020 to March 2021.
The course is based on a long-term partnership and preparation between Talitha Kum/UISG, the Pontifical University Antonianum and the Tangaza University College of Nairobi.
The course will provide tools to enhance the skills that will support leaders in developing professional and relational abilities, aimed at collaborating and management activities. The course content includes; leadership models, networking, development, economic management, communication and fundraising. The content of the course will be consistent with the principles of subsidiarity, reciprocity and trust, fundamental to a leadership model of an inter-congregational and inter-institutional networking organization.
The course will be coordinated by 3 representatives; the Antonianum Pontifical University, the Tangaza University College and Talitha Kum and will follow the following phases:
- Selection of candidates: December 1st, 2019 to March 10, 2020
- First Phase – Online: April 2020
- Second Phase – Two weeks Residential Phase in Nairobi (Kenya): May 2020
- Third Phase – Online: May 2020 to January 2021. At this stage, participants must undertake at least 100 hours of internship and draw up a concluding report on the internship program.
- Fourth Phase – Two weeks Residential Meeting in Rome: February 2021
Participants will be required to present a final thesis at the end of the course. This will enable the participant to find solutions to specific situations relevant to the network of which s/he is part.
From November 15, the site of the Pontifical Unversity Antonianum: will be open for pre-registrations, which must be made online. The course will be recognized by the Antonianum Pontifical University.
Who can participate in the selection?
Religious and lay people who have, or who will have leadership roles in the Talitha Kum networks or are willing to start a Talitha Kum Network in their country, under the responsibility of the Women Major Superior Conference.
Participants are required to have completed upper-level studies, have a basic knowledge of the English language, be willing to attend the entire course and engage for at least three years, after completing the course, to collaborate with one of Talitha Kum’s networks.
From 22 to 25 people will be selected for scholarships. The scholarships will cover: the full cost of the course, travel and full board expenses for the sessions in Nairobi and full cost of travel to Rome.
Participants and/or networks will be responsible for visa expenses, arranging their accommodation in Rome as well as internal travel in the city of Rome, to attend the course. (Pontifical University Antonianum and UISG).
Each applicant must submit a letter of presentation from a Talitha Kum networks or, if there is no network in the country, the Chairperson of the National Conference of Religious has to provide this letter, declaring to be willing to start a Talitha Kum network in their country. In the case of religious, a letter of authorisation from the Superior General should also be sent.