2019 General Assembly of Talitha Kum
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Event information

Celebrating together the Tenth Anniversary of Talitha Kum
Join us on line or on site (Rome time) !
September 21 (on line or on site)
Official opening and Eucharistic Celebration of Thanksgiving
10.30am Opening, Formal Speeches, Awards to Religious Sisters for their ministries against Trafficking in Persons
3.00pm Eucharistic Celebration of Thanksgiving at St. Peter’s Basilica (no online)
Languages of the Events: English, Spanish, French
2 Events onsite: (Sept. 21 and Sept. 27)
at UISG Center for Religious Life at Regina Mundi, Lungotevere Tor di Nona, 7
4 Events online: Sept. 21-23-24-27
To join the online events, usethe following link: https://zoom.us/j/2982981111