The CRC JPIC Atlantic Network has held its annual gathering from October 8-10, 2019 in Moncton, New-Brunswick. The theme of the 2019 edition was “Water seen from the heart”. This gathering is an opportunity for religious leaders and associates dedicated to issues of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation to share, network and reflect on our common home. On this occasion, a video has been recorded.
The guest speaker of the event, Lois Corbett, addressed issues regarding water in the Atlantic region, as well as environmental and political concerns to enrich and further advocacy work.
Attendees also discussed the actions taken over the past year around social justice issues. Lois Corbett’s intervention nurtured the reflection of the participants on engagement and advocacy for a collaborative action by the JPIC Atlantic network.
Lois Corbett is a member of Canada’s Sustainable Development Advisory Council. She was a Senior Policy Advisor to three Ministers of the Environment in Ontario. She also served as the Executive Director at the Toronto Environmental Alliance.