The Pope Video is a global initiative developed by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) to assist in the dissemination of the Holy Father’s monthly intentions related to the challenges the humanity faces.
Every month Pope Francis invites us to follow him in his prayer requests.
For more information, visit the website
To watch the videos of the previous years, click on the buttons below.
May 2022
For Faith-Filled Young People
Speaking about the family, I would like to begin by addressing the young people first.
When I think of a model with whom young people can identify with, our Mother, Mary, always comes to mind: her courage, the way she knew how to listen, and her dedication to service.
She was courageous and determined to say “yes” to the Lord.
You young people, who want to build something new, a better world, follow her example, take risks!
Don’t forget that in order to follow Mary you need to discern and discover what Jesus wants from you, not what you might think you can do.
And in this discernment, it’s a great help to listen to the words of grandparents.
In those words of grandparents, you will find a wisdom that will take you beyond the issues of the moment.
They will provide an overview of your concerns.
Let us pray so that all young people, called to live life to the fullest, may discover in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage of faith, and dedication to service.
© 2022 – Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Apostleship of Prayer. Creativity and co-production by: Gaia Valeria Rosa, Diego Angeli and Andrea Schneider Graziosi. In collaboration with Vatican Media.
April 2022
For Health Care Workers
Let us pray this month for health care workers.
The pandemic has shown us the self-giving and generosity of health care workers, volunteers, support staff, priests, and religious men and women.
But the pandemic has also exposed the fact that not everyone has access to a good public healthcare system.
The poorest countries, the most vulnerable countries, cannot access the necessary treatments to treat the countless diseases they continue to suffer.
Often, this is due to poor resource management and a lack of serious political commitment.
Therefore, I want to ask the governments of all the countries of the world not to forget that good healthcare, accessible to all, is a priority.
But let us also remember that healthcare is not just an organization; it depends on men and women who dedicate their life to taking care of other people’s health. And who have given their lives during this pandemic to help so many sick people recover.
Let us pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly, especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately supported by governments and local communities.
© 2022 – Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Apostleship of Prayer. Creativity and co-production by: Gaia Valeria Rosa, Diego Angeli and Andrea Schneider Graziosi. In collaboration with Vatican Media.
March 2022
For a Christian response to bioethical challenges
Let us pray that we may give a Christian response to bioethical challenges.
It is evident that science has progressed, and today the field of bioethics presents us with a series of problems to which we must respond, not hiding our head like an ostrich.
Applications of biotechnological must always be used based on respect for human dignity.
For example, human embryos cannot be treated as disposable material, to be discarded. This throw-away culture is also applied to them; no, that can’t be done. Extending that culture this way does so much harm.
Or allowing financial gain to condition biomedical research.
We need to understand the profound changes that are taking place with an even more profound and subtle discernment.
It’s not a matter of curbing technological advances. No, we must accompany them. It’s about protecting both human dignity and progress. That is to say, we cannot pay the price of human dignity for progress, no. Both go together, in harmony.
We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action.
© 2022 – Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Apostleship of Prayer. Idea and execution: La Machi. Music production and mix by: Índigo Music Design. In collaboration with Vatican Media.
February 2022
For religious sisters and consecrated women
This month, we will pray in a special way for religious sisters and consecrated women.
What would the Church be without religious sisters and consecrated laywomen? The Church cannot be understood without them.
I encourage all consecrated women to discern and choose what is best for their mission in the face of the world’s challenges that we’re experiencing.
I exhort them to keep working and to have an impact with the poor, with the marginalized, with all those who are enslaved by traffickers; I especially ask them to make an impact on this.
And let us pray that they may show the beauty of God’s love and compassion as catechists, theologians, and spiritual guides.
I invite them to fight when, in some cases, they are treated unfairly, even within the Church; when they serve so much that they are reduced to servitude —at times, by men of the Church.
Do not be discouraged. May you keep making God’s goodness known through the apostolic works you do. But above all through your witness of consecration. […] Thank you for what you are, for what you do, and for how you do it.
Let us pray for religious sisters and consecrated women, thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times.
© 2022 – Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Apostleship of Prayer. Idea and execution: Gaia Valeria Rosa, Diego Angeli and Andrea Schneider Graziosi. In collaboration with Vatican Media.
January 2022
Religious discrimination and persecution
How is it possible that many religious minorities currently suffer discrimination or persecution?
How can we allow that in this society, which is so civilized, there are people who are persecuted simply because they publicly profess their faith? Not only is it unacceptable; it’s inhuman, it’s insane.
Religious freedom is not limited to freedom of worship—that is to say, that people can have a worship service on the day prescribed by their sacred books. Rather, it makes us appreciate others in their differences and recognize them as true brothers and sisters.
As human beings, we have so many things in common that we can live alongside each other, welcoming our differences with the joy of being brothers and sisters.
And may a small difference, or a substantial difference such as a religious one, not obscure the great unity of being brothers and sisters.
Let us choose the path of fraternity. Because either we are brothers and sisters, or we all lose.
Let us pray that those who suffer discrimination and suffer religious persecution, may find in the societies in which they live the rights and dignity that comes from being brothers and sisters.
© 2022 – Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network – Apostleship of Prayer. Idea and execution: La Machi. Music production and mix by: Índigo Music Design. In collaboration with Vatican Media.