God’s Initiative
Stories of Exceptional Sisters
Marie-Claude Lalonde and Robert Lalonde
“This book includes 12 stories of exceptional Sisters of whom we rarely or never hear. They work all over the world, from Lebanon to Honduras, Egypt to China and Central Africa to Ukraine. These stories, which shed light on the work of these Sisters, will surely inspire all those who believe that peace and love can give life back to the most wounded souls. The Year of Consecrated Life surely calls for such a book!”
About the Authors
“Marie-Claude Lalonde is the director of Aid to the Church in Need Canada since 2000. The privilege relationships she developed with international partners of Aid to the Church gave her the opportunity to share with women religious of all over the world. She can testify to the importance, even today, of their contribution to our society.”
“Responsible of information at Aid to the Church Canada since February 2011, Robert Lalonde lived mission experiences in India and in the Middle East. These missions allowed him to visit refugee’s camps in Lebanon and Jordan and to meet many women religious. He also conducted weekly interviews aired on the radio. He was the host of the Vues d’Ailleurs show for four years.”
You can order a copy by phoning to (514) 932-0552 extension 226 or by e-mail at com@acn-aed-ca.org