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16 December 2021

Returning to the source: Charism and the prophetic character in an evolving consecrated life

The 2021 fall programming is dedicated to charism and the prophetic character in consecrated life through three online activities from September to November.

These activities are intended to respond to the desire of the CRC network to continue to meet and reflect together, according to the priorities identified by the 2021 General Assembly.

The fall process is a common reflection on the evolution of consecrated life and the themes of charism and the prophetic character. The CRC Theological Commission will accompany this collective process, in the same spirit of discernment experienced through webinars and plenaries in 2020-2021. The CRC continue to take advantage of the potential of technology to enrich the life and reflection of the Major Superiors network in Canada.

According to the wishes expressed by the General Assembly to extend the conversation to other consecrated persons, this programming is addressed to religious men and women of congregations and institutes of consecrated life, as well as to lay associates and collaborators to the mission.


September 21, 2021 webinar

Returning to the source:
Charism and the prophetic character
in an evolving consecrated life


This webinar offers key insights about the notions of charism and the prophetic character in the current evolution of consecrated life. This activity leaded to wider discussions during national forums for leaders and members of congregations, in October 2021.

Four resources of the Theological Commission of the CRC hosted this webinar:

  • Daniel Cadrin, OP, Dominicans
  • Lorraine D’Entremont, SC, Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
  • Gaétane Guillemette, NDPS, Congrégation des sœurs de Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours
  • Nathalie Roberge, OP, Dominicaines Missionnaires Adoratrices

Video of the webinar

Resourcing Texts of the panelists

Gaétane Guillemette, NDPS
Charism at the Foundation of Consecrated Life and of Our Institutes


Daniel Cadrin, OP
The Notion of Prophecy


Nathalie Roberge, OP
Vulnerability and Availability to the Holy Spirit


A Prophetic Letting Go?


Lorraine d’Entremont, SC
Questions for reflection and discernment



November 30, 2021 webinar

Charism and the prophetic character
in consecrated life today.
How is the Canadian landscape evolving?


Following the October forums, this webinar helped to identify trends and outline the next steps in the proposed discernment around the charism and prophetism of consecrated life in Canada.

Video of the webinar

October 2021 Forums Summary


If you would like a detailed summary (32 pages) of the October forums, please contact us by e-mail at mission@crc-canada.org.