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15 May 2017

Catholic Women in Leadership Series: Talks by Ann Walsh

Roman Catholic TV (RCTV) is featuring five talks by Ann Walsh, D., Min., a Redemptorist Lay Missionary. The talks are a new addition to the Cathlolic Women Leadership Series presented by Redemptorist.TV. A frequent homilist contributor to this series, Ann Walsh is co-chair of the Partnership in Mission Commission for the English-speaking Redemptorists in Canada and co-chair of the Redemptorist North American Commission for Partnership in Mission.


Breaking Open the Scriptures

Talking with God

Echoing God: My Vocation as a Catechist

Joy in Small Things: Fr. Ray Corriveau, CSsR

Harmony in All Things: Sr. Kathrine Bellamy, RSM

Anne Walsh is a native Newfoundlander who was born, raised and received her early education in St. John’s, Newfoundland. She currently serves as Director of Adult Faith Formation and Executive Assistant to the Archbishop in the Archdiocese of St. John’s. She is a member of the CCCB National Advisory Committee on Adult Catechesis, co-chair of the Partnership in Mission Commission for the English-speaking Redemptorists in Canada, and co-chair of the Redemptorist North American Commission for Partnership in Mission. She was the principal writer for On Good Soil: Pastoral Planning for Evangelization.

There are other video programs in the series Catholic Women in Leadership featuring talks by Sr. Moira Quinn, OSSsR, By Josephine Lombardi, d. Div., by Sister Elisabeth Davis, RSM, by Leah Perreault and Carmen Moore.

Link to Roman Caholic TV: http://www.romancatholictv.com/