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20 March 2020

ad vitam – Winter 2020: “A Communion that Generates Mission”

This time of Lent has brought with it unexpected renunciations due to the coronavirus public health measures. Social distancing, cancelled events and voluntary confinement are an opportunity to rebuild solidarity in our neighborhoods. We can also experiment new ways of praying, of fostering our relationship with God and of living communion in our Church. More than ever, this verse from the gospel according to Matthew (6:6) speaks to us: “But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”


A Communion
that Generates Mission

The second issue of the ad vitam webzine is quite timely. The members of the Theological Commission of the CRC offer theological, biblical and pastoral reflections on the theme of communion and mission. How can we nurture the bond of community, among religious, in a parish, or in small groups? How does our ecclesial communion give shape and meaning to the mission entrusted to all the baptized? This issue also includes perspectives related to youth and the post-synodal apostolic exhortation Christus vivit, published in March 2019, a few months after the Synod of Bishops on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment.



During this pandemic, we invite you to take advantage of the time given to us, and to reflect on the themes of this issue. This is surely an opportunity to explore virtual initiatives. Webcast Masses by dioceses or individual priests, liturgies of the Word or spiritual conversations presided by women and men religious and lay people… These experiences will certainly colour the mission differently and give it new faces.


Reading Tips

The ad vitam webzine is unique in its offer of an integral and interactive experience featuring articles and audio-visual content. We strongly suggest that you read it online, whether a computer, tablet or smartphone. To zoom in: on a computer, double-click or use the + and – found at the bottom-right of the screen; on a tablet, double-tap the screen. Use your mouse or finger to move throughout the page.

It is possible to download a PDF of the webzine, however the file will not support links and audio-visual content. For environmental reasons, we invite you to limit printing of the PDF. You may contact us if you wish to obtain a text-only version of a specific article. We hope that as you acquaint yourself with our webzine over time, you’ll enjoy the enriching experience of its unique format. We welcome your comments and questions at info@crc-canada.org.



ad vitam is a webzine launched in the Fall of 2019 by the Canadian Religious Conference. Featuring articles and audiovisual contents, ad vitam proposes theological and pastoral reflections on the Catholic Church and consecrated life. This resource aims to serve religious communities and their leadership, as well as readers interested in consecrated life and Church issues.