How does a community open up spaces for youth in search of spirituality? The Cistercians of Notre-Dame-de-Nazareth abbey (Rougemont, Québec) have a few years of experience in this matter. Founded in 1932, the community has made younger generations a focus of their mission. In this interview, Fr. Jacques Van Vliet, novice master, shares the lessons learnt and challenges discovered on the journey.

1. How has your community evolved in terms of members and ages, in the last 10-15 years?
2. In your pastoral mission, you have developed retreats and camps targeting young Catholics. What led you to offer this and what fruits have you seen?
3. How has this regular proximity with young adults, students and workers, had an impact on your community life? What has been positive about it? What has challenged you?
4. Did any vocations emerge from this mission to youth? How has vocational discernment and its direction changed in the last 15-20 years?
This interview is taken from the Winter 2020 issue of the ad vitam webzine “A Communion that Generates Mission”.