From fragility to
the Prophetic BREATH!
In this issue, the members of the CRC’s Theological Commission chose to focus their articles on “embracing fragilities and limits we are experiencing in our congregations and church today, and the possibilities for new life when faced with these challenges.” Lorraine d’Entremont, SC explains what led to the choice of this theme: “…The guiding star for these articles was CRC’s General Assembly 2018 as well as further reflection of the Theological Commission on the presentations and conversations of the Assembly.”
The Theological Commission is made up of eight theologians (all of whom are members of religious communities), and meets twice annually, to explore themes connected to the interests of religious communities, and to share publications, resources and other useful reference sources.
The questions at the end of each article aim to help you further your personal and community reflection. You may share your thoughts and comments with the authors of each article.
Do not hesitate to send us your comments and reflections at as you go about reading the articles.
We also invite you to share this publication with your community, collaborators and other people.
To access the entire Bulletin, please click on the picture below or on the following link: CRC Bulletin, Vol. 16, Issue 1 – Winter 2019
To access each article separately, click on the underlined title of your choice. All articles are in PDF format. Reproduction is allowed provided the author’s name and the source are properly attributed.
From Fragility to the Prophetic Breath
Lorraine d’Entremont, SC
The Charism: A Powerful and Fragile Breath
Gaétane Guillemette, NDPS
Religious Life and the Journey of the Prophet Elijah
Yvan Mathieu, SM
An Impetus of New Life and Dispossession
Michel Proulx, O. PRAEM.
With Christ, Becoming Eucharist
Nathalie Roberge, OP
Reflection on Authority in the Face of Abuse
Gill Goulding, CJ
‘Marthas’ Garden’ – An Experience in Integral Ecology
Lorraine d’Entremont, SC, in collaboration with Donna Brady, CSM, and Amy Brierley
Evolving into Newness
Margaret Patricia Brady, OSB
The MIC Sisters in China – How God Makes All Things New
Celia Chua, MIC