It is customary once every two years for the CRC President and Vice-President accompanied by the Executive Director and his assistant to visit various offices in the Vatican. In October, the head of the CRC was able to visit ten different “dicasteries” as well as the Canadian Ambassador to the Holy See and the offices of Union of International Superiors General (UISG).
Following on the visits of the Canadian bishops some months ago, the officials of the Holy See were anxious to understand better the activities of the CRC and to learn about the challenges religious women and men face in Canada. The CRC representatives were impressed by the kindness shown by the Vatican officials in these encounters and the time they had taken in preparation for the meetings.
Their meeting with Cardinal Braz de Aviz, the Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life was particularly important and encouraging. It was a call to a greater apostolic engagement for religious of all ages in our Canadian society. They also had the privilege of being presented to the Holy Father at the Wednesday audience and to offer him a gift of products from various Canadian monasteries.
In the coming weeks, the CRC will be able to report to its Council in more detail on the experience of communion it shared over six days. The Church is truly blessed in the ministry of Pope Francis.
Some pictures of the visits