Webinar: “Beyond GDP: Reimagining Economics for our Common Home”

This webinar is the first part of the series From Crisis to Care: Reimagining Economics for our Common Home. The climate crisis and global pandemic have made it starkly clear that old economic ideas are not working. To chart a new future, we need to challenge the accepted idea that economic growth and gross domestic product (GDP) should be key societal goals. How might we reimagine and reorient economics to focus on care for each other and the Earth, our common home?
This webinar series explores key problems caused by a fixation on economic growth, particularly growth as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The climate crisis and global pandemic have made it starkly clear that current mainstream economic ideas are not working. To chart a new future, we need to unlearn and transcend the accepted ideas that economic growth and gross domestic product (GDP) are what we should build our societies upon.
Guest speaker

Registration (free event)
Alternative Economics Working Group is part of the Ontario JPIC Lay Network and consists of four organizations:
- The Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice
- Ministry for Social Justice, Peace, and Creation Care with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto
- JPIC office of the Sisters of Providence
- JPIC office of the Congregation of Notre Dame (Visitation Province).