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UISG Webinar: Meeting New Wine in New Winskins

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Event information

Date & Time
8 October 2018, 5 h 00 min - 7 h 00 min


Join the UISG in exploring what the “new wine” and the “new wineskins” are for a renewed living of the consecrated life.

Books on religious life will be available for cash or credit card purchase at UISG.

Also available as ENGLISH ONLY WEBINAR for those who cannot participate in person.

Suggested donation to cover expenses: €5 per person.

Italian translation available.

For more information contact:

  • Sr. Bernadette Reis, breis@paulinemedia.com
  • Patrizia Morgante, formation@uisg.org

Date & hour: October 8th, at 11am-1pm (Rome time)

UISG building
Lungotevere Tor de Nona, 7 (10 meters from UISG headquarters)
Rome, Italy

Guest speaker

Br Reginald Cruz, cfx
Episcopal Vicar for Religious, Nairobi, Kenya


Live presentation at UISG in Rome



Webinar online

