National Symposium on the Life of the Religious Brother

The Brothers Think Tank proudly announces the National Symposium on the Life of the Religious Brother, an event at the University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana), to be held on the Feast of the Annunciation, Saturday, March 25, 2017. The program, based on the Vatican document on the “Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in Church” published in December 2015, is also being sponsored by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, the National Religious Vocation Conference, the Religious Brothers Conference, the Religious Formation Conference, and the University of Notre Dame.
This Symposium is not only for religious brothers — priests, sisters, laity, and students interested in learning more about the vocation of the Religious Brother are warmly invited to attend. Brother John Mark Falkenhain, OSB and professor of psychology at St. Meinrad’s Seminary, will be the keynote speaker for the Symposium. Responders and panel discussion participants from several religious communities and ministries served by religious brothers will be important contributors to the Symposium agenda which will be published on this website in early January. Brothers Think Tank members representing 12 different communities of religious men will be also assisting on-site at Notre Dame.

Participants in the Brothers Symposium are also invited to conclude the day at the Vigil Mass for Sunday which will be celebrated at 5:00 p.m. at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on the University of Notre Dame campus.
We are delighted that Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.S.s.R., Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey, will be the homilist and main celebrant at this liturgy. Cardinal Tobin will also be providing the summary reflections of the day at the conclusion of the Symposium.
Additional weekend and week day liturgy options include those scheduled at Holy Cross College and St. Mary’s College, both also located in South Bend, Indiana.
All participants are asked to check-in at the registration area of the DeBartolo Building between 8:00 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. on Saturday, March 25th so that the opening session may begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.
Br. John Paige, CSC, President, Holy Cross College, Notre Dame will welcome everyone to Notre Dame and introduce Bishop Kevin Rhoades of the Diocese of Ft. Wayne/South Bend, who will offer brief opening comments and a prayer to begin the day. CMSM Executive Director Fr. John Pavlik, OFM Cap will be the master of ceremonies for the day’s events and Br. Paul Michalenko, ST of the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, will serve as facilitator for the panel discussions.

Early registration will be online via this website: BROTHERS SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION. Space permitting, walk-in registrations will be available on the morning of the Symposium.
The conference fee ($50 for student participants and $75 for non-students) will cover the cost of the program and lunch which will be served at the South Dining Hall at the University.
Housing and Travel/Transportation arrangements must be made by individual participants directly. We have asked a number of religious communities in the region around Notre Dame to determine if they may be able to offer hospitality to religious who may attend the Symposium (check back on this website for further information on these options in the coming weeks.). Please see links below for some hotel and transportation suggestions.
Housing Options in South Bend and Chicago
- Inn @ St. Mary’s on St. Mary’s College Campus (offers free shuttle to/from South Bend Airport & South Bend university campuses)
- Other Hotels in South Bend, Indiana
- Catholic Theological Union in Chicago (located near Midway Airport – 1.5 hour drive to South Bend; click here for directions)
Transportation Options
- Taxi/Train/Bus Transportation from South Bend (Indiana) Airport – NOTE that the first flight into South Bend Airport does not arrive until 9:30 a.m. so most attendees will want to travel to Notre Dame on Friday
- Train Transportation from Chicago Airports to South Bend, Indiana
- Bus Transportation from Chicago Airports to South Bend, Indiana
- Car Service Transportation from Chicago Airports to South Bend, Indiana
- Local Transportation in South Bend, Indiana
Further information about the logistics and other relevant details will be published on this web page as it is confirmed. Questions may be directed to Martha Novelly on 301.588.4030, x233 or via email to